Julie Beckers is a travel blogger from Melbourne, Australia. She began her travels later in life after having a family young and juggling a career and study. When she first started her travels, she quickly became frustrated with the lack of information available to her age demographic. Not wanting to do some of the things younger people want to do and definitely not wanting to be relegated to a cruise or guided tour just because “I was older,” Julie decided to start her own blog. What evolved is a large community of amazing women from all walks of life and all parts of the world: A Not So Young Woman Abroad.
Julie was kind enough to answer some of our questions.
TA: How many years have you been traveling and what got you hooked?
Julie: I’ve been travelling for over 10 years. Being out of my comfort zone and experiencing how other people live their day-to-day had me hooked from the moment I set foot on foreign soil.
TA: Do you specialize in a particular type of travel?
Julie: Solo travel for older women.
TA: What is the best vacation you’ve ever taken? (Where did you go and why did you love it?)
Julie: Spending three weeks in an apartment in Paris. I loved walking in the footsteps of famous authors and artists and taking in the history and beauty of Paris.
TA: If you could only give a traveler one piece of advice, what would it be?
Julie: Look up.
TA: What are some of your favorite travel blogs and communities?
Julie: I’m really lucky to have some of the best older female travel bloggers in my own community. I get to read about their wonderful adventures every week. I guess I’m a bit biased.
TA: What is the most beautiful and affordable city you’ve ever visited?
Julie: Istanbul.
TA: What would be your #1 recommendation for a place to travel in 2019?
Julie: Malaysia.
TA: What are the top 3 websites you use for research/inspiration when planning a trip?
Julie: TripAdvisor, Wikipedia, National Geographic
TA: Do you have any good airport or flight hacks for people traveling by plane?
Julie: Tie a colourful ribbon to your suitcase so it will stand out from the crowd.
TA: What is your best money-saving tip when dealing with airlines?
Julie: Join a frequent traveller program and use points where you can.
TA: How much do you read into online hotel reviews when you’re planning a trip? How do you tell good advice from phony ones?
Julie: I check reviews across a few different sites to make sure I’m getting a good range of opinions. I really only care about the cleanliness of a hotel.
TA: What is the best piece of travel advice you’ve ever been given?
Julie: Make sure there’s at least 6 months left on your passport.
TA: Is there something you think most travelers worry too much about?
Julie: I see way too many people chasing a photo for Instagram. Doing this, you’re missing out on the real experience.
Learn more about Julie’s work:
Visit her website: A Not So Young Woman Abroad.
Follow her on Twitter here.
Find her on Facebook here.
See her photos on Instagram here.
Or connect with her on Pinterest here.