Retirement Snapshot
- Name: Grant S.
- Location: Frankfort, Kentucky
- Age: 69
- Retired At: 68
- Marital Status: Remarried
- Profession: Currently affiliate marketer/content creator; Retired from rehabbing homes
Grant’s retirement journey started earlier than he wished. He lost his home, retirement savings, and marriage of 23 years at the age of 58. But by 61, Grant discovered affiliate marketing and began rehabbing homes for the local bank. He met the love of his life about 10 years ago and they’ve been married for 8 years. He was able to get back on track for retirement at 68.
Retirement Reality
Retirement Awaits: What does a day in retirement look like for you?
Grant: Get up, have my coffee while doing my social media tasks for the day, making posts, and answering emails. Then, I write content for 2–3 hours. Sometimes, I take a 2-mile walk (if it’s not gym day). By noon, I’m ready for lunch and then whatever recreation is planned for the day, usually golf. I end the day with dinner, spending quality time with my wife, and then work on more content for 2–3 hours.
Your Retirement Plan
Retirement Awaits: Did you have a solid plan going into retirement?
Grant: I did originally, through rental properties, that were going to be my retirement income, until I lost it all. I had to regroup. My only plan was my daily task plan for my affiliate marketing business that I needed to accomplish each day to reach my goals.
Best Part About Retirement
Retirement Awaits: What’s the best part about retirement?
Grant: My time is mine (and my wife’s), regardless of what I’m doing.
Challenges In Retirement
Retirement Awaits: What’s the biggest challenge in retirement?
Grant: At this point, keeping a handle on the budget.
Cost Of Retirement
Retirement Awaits: We want people to understand how much retirement really costs. How do you manage your money now? Do you have a budget, meet with your advisor on a regular basis, etc?
Grant: We’re a simple couple. We made a list of all the cash out and cash in, planned our budget, along with goals to improve the cash in, and monitor and reflect on it weekly.
Retirement Advice
Retirement Awaits: What’s the best piece of advice you’d give someone about to retire?
Grant: Don’t put it off because you’re afraid. You’ll never be ready in your own mind. There will always be doubts and what-ifs. And then, before you know it, you’ll be too old to enjoy anything.
Things I Wish I Would Have Known
Retirement Awaits: What are a few things you wish someone would have told you about retirement/this season of life/transition?
Grant: I was self-employed pretty much my entire life and never really started even thinking about retirement financially until my late 40s. I wish someone had told me to get with an advisor early on and had a set financial plan that would have made it a lot easier and less stressful.
Best Retirement Vacation
Retirement Awaits: What is your favorite vacation or vacation spot?
Grant: We enjoy Fort Walton Beach, Florida, in colder months and Gatlinburg, Tennessee, in the warmer months.
If you want to learn more about Grant in retirement, visit his Facebook page, YouTube Channel, or website.
And for more retirement inspiration, check out other diaries: