Why To Retire In South Dakota
South Dakota couples a low cost of living with great tax rates, ensuring affordability and financial soundness for its retired residents. The state experiences all four seasons, cloaking its landscapes in beautiful greens, reds, and whites throughout the year. Made up of more than 60 state parks, South Dakota fulfills the desires for both financial soundness and idyllic landscapes.
Retire In South Dakota: Things To Know
South Dakota ranks among the most tax friendly states for retirees. The state has no income tax, meaning retirees don’t pay a tax on their 401(k), IRA, or pension, and no estate tax.
- Current Income Tax Rates: 0%
- Median Property Tax Rates: 1.22%
- Estate or Inheritance Tax Rates: 0%
South Dakota offers high quality healthcare throughout the state, and brags about its rate of medical facilities that are almost double the national average.
- Medical Facilities Per 1,000 Residents: 4.8
- Health Insurance Networks: Avera Health Plans, Dakota Homestead Title Insurance Company, Optilegra, Wellmark of SD, and West River Insurance Company
Cost Of Living
With both its cost of living and average home prices below the national average, South Dakota provides retirees with the financial stability many are looking for.
- Average Home Price: $205,567
- Average Cost of Living Index: 99.0
South Dakota offers residents the chance to experience all four seasons. Summers are made up of long, sunny days, averaging a high of 90 degrees Fahrenheit, with the occasional thunderstorm. Autumn turns the state into a beautiful display of reds and oranges, with cool, mild days, followed by cold, snowy winters. Spring brings back the beautiful greens, warmer weather, and frequent bouts of thunderstorms.